Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).
Citizen Engagement
is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.
- Olympics2024 Agosto 23, 2024
- streaming 9/04/2021 12pm (London time) #JonTennantmemorialsDay #OpenScienceMooc Jon Tennant’s Memorial Day Agosto 3, 2020
- Olympics2023 Agosto 10, 2023
- 11th #GlobalMILweek @MILCLICKS October 26, 2022 – NIGERIA @unesco “Global Media and Information Literacy Week” #MILCLICKS Agosto 16, 2022
- #wardataset Olympics 2022 @crowdsearcher #@crowdsearcher Agosto 11, 2022
- Infodemic Olympics 2021 Agosto 6, 2021
- #openSCIENCE Olympics 2020 @biblioVeri #biblioVerifica Agosto 11, 2020
- Jon Tennant and the unsustainable virus of closed science @Protohedgehog #JonTennant Aprile 10, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Cell Press Coronavirus Resource Hub Aprile 4, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: New England Journal of Medicine Aprile 4, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Marzo 30, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: #USA National Library of Medicine Marzo 30, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: JAMA Network Open Marzo 29, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: nCOV19 Live maps and data around the world Marzo 29, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: SSRN Social Science Research Network Marzo 29, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: McGraw-Hill Medical Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: National Center for Biotechnology Information Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Duke University Press Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: PLOS Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Worldometer Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: WORLD BANK Marzo 28, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Wolters Kluwer Marzo 27, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: PROQUEST Marzo 27, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Elsevier Marzo 27, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Cambridge University Press Marzo 27, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Bioone Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: SAGE Publishing Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Wiley Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: JoVE Journal and the educational videos Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: EBSCO Open Access resources Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: medRxiv Marzo 26, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: American Society for Microbiology Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: BioMed Central: Coronavirus Research Highlights Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Royal Society of Chemistry – Covid-19 Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Wikidata COVID-19 Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Thomson Reuters COVID-19 resource center Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Emerald Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Nursing Center Marzo 24, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Marzo 23, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: British Medical Journal Marzo 23, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Oxford University Press Marzo 23, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Johns Hopkins University tool Marzo 23, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Taylor & Francis journals Marzo 23, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Open Research Dataset Marzo 22, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Cochrane Library Marzo 22, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Medical Library Association Marzo 22, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: SCIENCE Marzo 22, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: Springer Nature Marzo 22, 2020
- #DirectoryCovid19: The Lancet Marzo 21, 2020
- Directory #Covid19 #CoronaVirus #Crowdsearcher: @WHO World Health Organization Marzo 21, 2020
- OPENEDU: #BOBCATSSS 2020 Paris 22-24 january 2020 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, #FAKENEWS AND #DISINFORMATION #crowdSearcher Dicembre 23, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #ARGENTINA #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 12, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #SPAIN #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 11, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #THAILAND #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 10, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #NIGER #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 9, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #PERU #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 8, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #FRANCE #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 7, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #INDONESIA #Crowdsearcher Ottobre 6, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #SOUTHAFRICA#Crowdsearcher Ottobre 5, 2019
- #BiblioVerifica SUSTAINABILITY Olympics 2019 Agosto 21, 2019
- OPENEDU: Focus on #OpenScience Madrid july 8th, 2019 #FAIRData #CitizenScience #YERUN @YERUN_EU Luglio 7, 2019
- OPENEDU: #tacklefakenews #ThisTimeImVoting #crowdsearcher #TellEurope #factchecking #euOpenScience #ep2019 #EuElections2019 Maggio 19, 2019
- OPENEDU: #3MAY 2019 #worldpressfreedomday Aprile 21, 2019
- OPENEDU: #TheWebConf 2019 #MisinfoWorkshop2019 International Workshop on Misinformation, Computational Fact-Checking and Credible Web @TheWebConf #14May @SanFrancisco Aprile 20, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 The impact of disinformation on human rights #crowdsearcher Aprile 19, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Let’s save our children from misinformation and misleading content #crowdsearcher Aprile 18, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Preparing for the next wave: video fake news #crowdsearcher Aprile 17, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Journalism, fake news and disinformation: equipping journalism for the fightback #crowdsearcher Aprile 16, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Beyond fake news: what’s next for tackling online misinformation #crowdsearcher Aprile 15, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Accessible abstracts to reduce health misinformation #crowdsearcher Aprile 14, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Vaccinating against misinfodemics: journalists and public health misinformation #crowdsearcher Aprile 14, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Technology and automation in the fight against misinformation #crowdsearcher Aprile 14, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 The video verification toolkit: the journalist as a data worker #crowdsearcher Aprile 14, 2019
- OPENEDU: #IJF19 Google News Initiative: digital newsgathering and verification #crowdsearcher Aprile 14, 2019
- OPENEDU: #LILG_2019 #ILOoer Learning Information Literacy across the Globe #10May 2019 @Frankfurt #crowdsearcher Aprile 13, 2019
- OPENEDU: Save the date #2march Open Data Day 2019 #ODD19 #OpenDataDay #crowdsearcher Marzo 2, 2019
- #CrowdSearcher: #InformationLiteracy and questions to avoid #fakenews by justframeworks.com Febbraio 7, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #UNITEDSTATES #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 7, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #NEWZEALAND #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 5, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #DENMARK #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 4, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #ALGERIA #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 3, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #CANADA #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 3, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #CHINA #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 3, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #AUSTRALIA #Crowdsearcher Febbraio 2, 2019
- OPENEDU: streaming #29january Countering online #disinformation – Towards a more transparent, credible and diverse digital media ecosystem @eu_commission #crowdsearcher #brussel #eutackledisinfo Gennaio 26, 2019
- OPENEDU: @eu_commission “Code of #Practice to fight online #disinformation” #crowdsearcher Gennaio 7, 2019
- #OpenData Directory: #UNITEDKINGDOM #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 16, 2018
- #OpenData Directory: #RUSSIA #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 15, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: @Google #PublicData EXPLORER vs #datasetSearch vs #Scholar #openData Dicembre 15, 2018
- #OpenData Directory: #BRASIL #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 12, 2018
- #OpenData Directory: #TUNISIA #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 12, 2018
- #OpenData Directory: #JAPAN #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 11, 2018
- #OpenData Directory: #ITALY #Crowdsearcher Dicembre 5, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: 5 steps to spot #fakenews by @Europarl_EN Dicembre 4, 2018
- OpenData Directory by @crowd_searcher Dicembre 2, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: Facebook “tips to spot #FakeNews” Dicembre 1, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: verification #handbook @ejcnet Novembre 29, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: “JOURNALISM, #FAKENEWS & DISINFORMATION. A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training” @UNESCO Novembre 29, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers @tellio Novembre 28, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: Here’s How Fake News Works (and How the Internet Can Stop It) @WIRED Novembre 28, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: 5 Ways To Spot Fake News @commonsense Novembre 27, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: Tips for Spotting Fake News @madcollegelib Novembre 27, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: Four top tips for avoiding fake news @ibtimesuk Novembre 26, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: “How to fact check fake news sites” Novembre 26, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: shareMyLessons vs @OERcommons Novembre 25, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: video tutorial What’s the code of principles of the International Fact-Checking Network? @Poynter Novembre 25, 2018
- #Crowdsearcher TOOL: video tutorial “HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWS” based on infographic from @IFLA Novembre 25, 2018
- Crowdsearcher Novembre 24, 2018