open data

streaming 9/04/2021 12pm (London time) #JonTennantmemorialsDay #OpenScienceMooc Jon Tennant’s Memorial Day

Jonathan Tennant, PhD, was a paleontologist, an Open Scholarship activist and advocate, a founder of Open Science MOOC (open educational platform), PaleorXiv (open publication platform), he was an author of numerous books, scientific articles, public talks and presentations for science reformation. He inspired a lot of people to join the movement for better science. Jon tragically died on the 9th of April 2020 in Bali. One year later his family, friends, colleagues and supporters remember his legacy and life.

we share

– the memory from Open Science Mooc

– the video

of 1 June 2018 at DARIAH (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)

– Sister Rebecca’s appeal:

Earlier, you kindly fulfilled our appeal to you for funds to repatriate our family member and friend, Dr. Jon Tennant ( Your generosity has enabled us to start this painful but vital process. At present (01.6.20) Jon is still in Bali as the current pandemic is slowing down usual processes.

The present call for funds aims at covering partially the legal fees associated with bringing clarity to the accusations Jon faced over the last months of his life.

To recap, Jon was a tireless and selfless advocate for open science. However, late in his productive life, he experienced a significant amount of cyber-mobbing on Twitter, in large part due to the procedural opacity of a supposedly caring and protective organization (more info following this link :

Over the last months, Jon Tennant also spoke of the effects of bullying, mobbing and cancel culture from the human side, as he experienced it in its most strong effects : ;

Because information has not been shared with us we have not been allowed to follow the usual administrative steps to achieve truth and justice. We hope still to be able to do this.

We believe that Jon’s memory deserves clarification on the accusations targeting him. Clarity in such matters is essential to close up speculations and allow his family and the broader scientific community to set a final learning point behind this case. We hence consider a series of legal steps to attain that goal. Our lawyers estimated the costs of the foreseen steps at £24 000. Your donations will only be used for costs associated information gathering and possibly tweet removal. None of the money you donate will be used to sue people or organizations. Your kind support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated. We have set the fundraiser at £10,000 due to left over funds from the previous fundraiser and other donations that have already been put aside.

We hope our effort, with your generosity, can make the open science communities further reflect on practices and involvement in cases of bullying and harassment. We hope to honour Jon’s memory by making steps towards justice in this regard! If this fundraiser doesn’t meet the required amount, we will cancel it and all donations will be returned to you.

If you would like to read more in what happened, from Jon himself, please explore the links below







and a further 11 heart-to-heart articles related to this:











Further details could be read in these two articles written by Jon’s sister and a friend shortly after his passing.



Jon Tennant and the unsustainable virus of closed science @Protohedgehog #JonTennant

In this unforgettable year for the number of deaths of the pandemic the academic and scientific world loses a protagonist and champion in its professional field, a victim escaped the CoronaVirus but not to a fate as tragic as incomprehensible for a society like ours, unable to open its eyes to a new approach to sustainable research and science freely shared with citizens. April 9 is the 100th day of leap year 2020, while the WHO has more than 1,500,000 Covid-19 infections and at least 95,000 victims, in Bali, Indonesia, the scientist Jon Tennnant falls victim to a motorcycle accident.

In today’s society, unfortunately, few people are aware of his commitment and his battles for the opening of data, for the sharing of research methods, for the accessibility of publications produced in research institutions and universities, funded by citizens who repay both those who produce content and those who market it on the web and on paper.

Open Science MOOC is one of Jon’s masterpieces, an online course open to all to involve citizens in Open Science.

The Open Science movement has its roots in the “Bermuda Principles”: in 1996 the scientific community imposed rules to publicly share the results of research on the human genome. Two years later the “Open Source Initiative” movement was born, from which derive today’s myriads of open Apps and Software, including Linux/Unix. Following in these footsteps the scientific community founded the OA (open access) Initiative, with the manifesto signed in Budapest in 2002, the guidelines to open scientific, medical and health content to the Internet community are disseminated. The cornerstone of OA is to provide the public with free and unlimited access to academic research, especially if publicly funded, multiplying the possibilities for dissemination and scientific collaboration.

This recent paper summarizes the spirit with which Jon Tennant participated in Open Science:

Traditional methods of scholarly publishing and communication are ineffective in meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SARS-CoV-2pandemic has demonstrated that, in times of need, the global research community can activate and pool its knowledge and resources to collaborate on solving problems. The use of innovative Web-based technologies, including open source software, data-sharing archives, open collaboration methods, and the liberation of thousands of relevant research articles from proprietary sources show us that the fundamental components of a fully open system are readily available, technologically efficient and cost-effective. If we are to achieve the SDGs by 2030, systematic reform and explicit adoption of open scholarship strategies at scale is necessary. We propose that the United Nations and parallel entities take a position of leadership by creating or funding an organization or federated alliance of organizations to implement these reforms.

The activist has left to all citizens of the world the inestimable legacy of Citizen Science, with the paradox of not appearing in WIKIPEDIA throughout his career, as short as it is precious for the world of knowledge and scientific research. It will remain forever his contribution and his motto:


Jon Tennant founded PaleorXiv portal non-profit paleontologist community for full paper sharing

Let’s share his scientific production available on

The (R)evolution of Open Science

Needless to say, the virus of “lack of knowledge” or “ignorance” buries mankind, victim of the unbearable closure of science.

#DirectoryCovid19: Cell Press Coronavirus Resource Hub

Cell Press: Coronavirus Resource Hub

At Cell Press, we recognize the urgent need to quickly share information about SARS-CoV-2 (also referred to as 2019-nCoV), the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. On this hub page, curated by members of our editorial team, you’ll find our policies for submitting papers related to COVID-19, as well as content about the outbreak as it appears in Cell Press journals. We also recommend visiting Elsevier’s information center for more free resources in English and Mandarin on coronavirus.

Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

Citizen Engagement

is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

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    other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


    #DirectoryCovid19: New England Journal of Medicine

    Directory #Covid19 #CoronaVirus #Crowdsearcher: New England Journal of Medicine: Coronavirus (Covid-19)

    A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary. Massachusetts Medical Society.

    Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

    Citizen Engagement

    is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

    PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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      other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


      #DirectoryCovid19: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

      Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Information for Laboratories

      This page includes interim guidance and resources for laboratory professionals working with specimens from persons under investigation (PUI) for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

      Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

      Citizen Engagement

      is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

      PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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        other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


        #DirectoryCovid19: #USA National Library of Medicine

        U.S. National Library of Medicine: Disaster Lit

        National Library of Medicine (NLM) database of links to disaster medicine and public health documents available on the Internet at no cost. Documents include expert guidelines, research reports, conference proceedings, training classes, fact sheets, websites, databases, and similar materials for a professional audience

        Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

        Citizen Engagement

        is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

        PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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          other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


          #DirectoryCovid19: JAMA Network Open

          JAMA Network Open: Covid-19

          Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

          Citizen Engagement

          is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

          PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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            other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


            #DirectoryCovid19: nCOV19 Live maps and data around the world

            nCOV19 Live maps and data around the world

            This site was created by Avi Schiffmann, high schooler in Washington State, USA, you can follow @AviSchiffmann on twitter


            Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

            Citizen Engagement

            is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

            PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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              other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


              #DirectoryCovid19: SSRN Social Science Research Network

              SSRN – Social Science Research Network: Coronavirus and Infectious Disease Research

              Curated view into the early-stage research to help researchers, public health authorities, clinicians and the public understand, contain and manage this disease.

              Rapidly evolving healthcare emergencies necessitate the quick dissemination of research. The growing role of early-stage research, often referred to as preprints, was acknowledged in the Ebola and Zika virus outbreaks as a way of “accelerating the dissemination of scientific findings to support responses to infectious disease outbreaks


              Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

              Citizen Engagement

              is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

              PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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                other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


                #DirectoryCovid19: McGraw-Hill Medical

                McGraw-Hill Medical: COVID-19 Central AccessMedicine

                The AccessMedicine channel for the latest information on the COVID-19 global pandemic.


                Our editorial staff, librarians and archivists, offers digital reference [for free and on demand] and strategies supporting verification of data and facts through open access resources (journals, books, data).

                Citizen Engagement

                is an ongoing conversation with citizens, centering the specific fact or question, supporting searches in their social media. The blog purpose to consistently offer up tools and sources for fact checking in places at points in time that are relevant to the citizen, based on open science for data, books, articles, education resources freely usable for desired knowledge.

                PLEASE Let us know additional resource here:

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                  other resources about COVID19 CORONAVIRUS


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