“Focus on Open Science” – Madrid july 8th, 2019
organised by: Scientific Knowledge Services in collaboration with UCL Press and LIBER (The European Association of Research Libraries).
“Open Science by Design: Practical Commitments for Implementation by (Young) Universities New Indicators — FAIR Data — Citizen Science”
Ask questions using Sli.do (code F0708)
The Challenge of Open Science
Science describes the current transition in how research is undertaken, how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how researchers collaborate, how success is measured and how researchers are rewarded for Open approaches. Open Science has the potential to transform the research landscape and it is crucial for all the stakeholders (researchers, librarians, policy makers, etc.) to understand and to be part of the new scientific scenario.
The aim of the Focus on Open Science Workshops
Started in 2015, we aim through these workshops to address the challenges posed by Open Science, using the 8 pillars of Open Science identified by the European Commission and addressed by the Open Science Policy Platform in its general integrated recommendations (See OSPP-REC).
The mission statement for the workshops is: “Promote the concept of, values and best practices in the Open Science to European communities, with particular reference to libraries.”
Why are these Workshops important?
We believe that such Workshops offer a practitioner experience, grounded in the principles of Open Science, and opportunities for networking at the local level. The Workshop format offers both on-the-spot interactions and follow-up opportunities.
Steering Committee
We are driven by our Steering Committee that will help us select the annual topics, the invited speakers and advise on best practices for delivering successful events. The members of our Steering Committee are here.
Open Science by Design in Madrid
The Madrid workshop will put in correlation 3 of the 8 challenges of EU Open Science: New indicators and reward system – FAIR Data – and Citizen Science. We will analyse and discuss these important topics with the aim of getting PCIs (Practical Commitments for Implementations) of Open Science, particularly for Universities and Research Performing Organisations. The workshop will include the participation of Early Career Researchers.
How are the Universities going to implement new career assessment methods for Open Science? What are the needed infrastructures and skills for FAIR data? How are we going to include citizens in the scientific landscape for public engagement? Are the data produced by citizen science FAIR? How are going to be rewarded FAIR data practices?
The language of the Workshop will be English.